所有參加者必須確保作品質素符合大賽規則之標準。 All entrants must ensure that the quality of their entries meets the competition’s guidelines as stated in the ‘How to Enter’.
風景 Landscape | 透過自然美景、郊野活動,走進大自然,捕捉香港郊野的迷人光影。 Capture the beautiful scenes and precious moments of Hong Kong’s countryside. |
生態 Wildlife | 香港生態環境無論陸地及海底也孕育豐富生物多樣性,透過相片能引起公眾對野生動植物的認識和對保育的關注。 Explore Hong Kong’s nature beauties and wildlife wonders. |
城市 City | 勾劃都市輪廓,發掘城市的潛力及生活脈搏,能帶出香港城市魅力的作品。 Cityscapes, images depicting underlaying potential and pulses of city lives, and photos that capture the charms of the metropolitan Hong Kong city. |
人物 People | 個人特寫、日常生活,觸動人心、呈現香港精神的人和事。 Portraits, everyday encounters, photos with stories and Hong Kong spirit. |
手機組 Mobile Photography | 通過手機拍攝以上各項主題。 Photograph taken by mobile phone on above themes |
短片組 Short Video | 120秒以內的短影片拍攝以上各項主題。 Within 120-sec short video on the above categories. |
每名參賽者最多可提交六件作品:風景、生態、城市、人物、手機及短片各一件。 Note: Each entrant can submit six works at most, including one photo to each category (Landscape, Wildlife, City, People, Mobile Photography and Short Video) |
徵件期間Entry Period
2021年10月4日至12月3日 23:59:59止(香港時間)
October 4th, 2021 ~ December 3rd, 2021, 23:59:59 (Hong Kong Time)
上載作品前,請先閱讀 大賽規則 。 Please read “How to Enter” carefully before submission.