得獎者將獲得豐富獎品,總值港幣十萬!得獎作品將有機會刊登於《國家地理》雜誌中文版,與台、港、澳、星、馬數十萬讀者分享,並於公開展覽中展出。 Winners will get fabulous prizes! Valued at HK$100,000 in total! The winner’s photograph in each category will be published in National Geographic magazine (Traditional Chinese) and get admired by several thousand readers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia.

得獎通知 Winners Notification

Winner list will be announced online in March 2025. Winners will be contacted through email. Winners will be awarded in the Award Ceremony (date and venue to be announced).

  • 風景 Landscape
  • 生態 Wildlife
  • 城市 City
  • 人物 People
  • 運動 Sports
  • 手機組 Mobile Photography

各組別 Each Group

  • 冠軍 (名額︰每組1名,共6名):
    獎金港幣$10,000元正、國家地理雜誌中文版贈閱一年 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套
    1st Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total):
    Cash Prize HK$10,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition; NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
  • 亞軍 (名額︰每組1名,共6名):
    2nd Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total):
    Cash Prize HK$5,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition
  • 季軍 (名額︰每組1名,共6名):
    3rd Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total):
    Cash Prize HK$2,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition
  • 佳作獎 (名額︰每組3名,共18名):
    Merit Awards (No. of Awards: 3 in each category; 18 in total):
    One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition
  • 旅客特別獎:為鼓勵旅客參賽,本屆特設旅客特別獎。
    • 旅客特別獎冠軍(名額︰1名)
      馬哥孛羅香港酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套
    • 旅客特別獎亞軍(名額︰1名)
      香港港威酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套
    • 旅客特別獎季軍(名額︰1名)
      香港太子酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套
    • 旅客特別獎佳作(名額︰共7名)
    Special Awards for Travelers (10 in total):
    To encourage travelers to participate, this year’s Photo Contest has set up special awards for travelers.
    • Special Travelers Award 1st Place (No. of Award : 1)
      Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
    • Special Travelers Award 2nd Place (No. of Award : 1)
      Hong Kong Gateway Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
    • Special Travelers Award 3rd Place (No. of Award : 1)
      Hong Kong Prince Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
    • Special Travelers Award Merit (No. of Awards : 7)
      NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2